Using Drush

Using Drush

A very short post, just to remind me of some Drush commands Installing Modules 1. Login via SSH, and go to the folder in which you want to install your module. e.g public_html/sites/all/modules Use the Drush download command to install one or more modules drush dl...
Using Drush

Installing Drush

Drush (Drupal Shell) is a command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those of us who spend some of our working hours hacking away at the command prompt. That’s straight from the...
Updating Drupal via SSH

Updating Drupal via SSH

I always update Drupal as a two stage process (actually, it’s a four-stage process because I do it on the development version of my site prior to doing it on a live site) 1. See what updates are available Log into the folder of your website using SSH, and enter...
Updating Drupal via SSH

Installing Drupal via SSH

One of the major bugbears in Drupal 6 is the amount of security updates required for websites. Any way to reduce the time taken to install and update Drupal is well worth for me; I’d rather spend my time working on payable client jobs. Installing Drupal via SSH,...
Updating Drupal via SSH

Pathauto aliases not working

I had a client contact me today saying that path aliases were not working for new nodes on their Drupal 6 website. Looking at the site admin panel didn’t give me any clues, so I pulled out Navicat and had a look at the database directly. For Pathauto the...