IE6 Countdown

IE6 Countdown

“Friends don’t let friends use IE6” Not me saying that, but Microsoft. On Friday 4th March Microsoft released the IE6 Countdown website, an aggressive campaign to persuade users to stop using IE6 and update to a newer IE. Its goal is to decrease IE6...

Server Move Completed

We’ve now moved KPDirection to our new server at Rackspace, and completed the migration of our smaller client sites. We previously hosted this site at midphase – they were local, and they were cheap. Unfortunately, they weren’t very secure; we lost...
Curing Speed Issues with Netbeans 6.9

Curing Speed Issues with Netbeans 6.9

One of the major items in our development toolbelt is NetBeans for PHP. We use this for all our web development, and it fits our workflow perfectly. Or, it did. For the last few months Netbeans was getting slower and slower. I’d start up Netbeans, work for five...
Fixing Cron problems in Drupal

Fixing Cron problems in Drupal

For the last few weeks I’ve had a problem with a client site not indexing all content. Cron would run as normal, then redirect to a page in the website. Indexing would never get past 26%, and I couldn’t find anything in the Drupal log or the Apache logs to...