by Peter Connolly | May 9, 2012 | Just Some Stuff
I was reminded today of the fact that after a nuclear attack, cockroaches would survive. With that in mind, I’m applying for a patent on a small modification to a nuclear bomb..
by Peter Connolly | Nov 9, 2011 | technology
RIP Flash Mobile; 5th October 2009 – 9th November 2011. Sadly missed by.. really, not that many people. Full announcement at Why was Flash Mobile cancelled? We can thank Steve Jobs. His announcement...
by Peter Connolly | Oct 24, 2011 | Management
As an occasional football* supporter (I can’t be viewed as active enough to earn the sobriquet ‘Armchair Supporter’), I tend to follow Liverpool Football Club – my hometown team. Cut my arm off, and it would be red through and through. But...
by Peter Connolly | Oct 13, 2011 | clients, technology
First of all, you probably don’t need to. Google provides an incredibly massive amount of space; over 7Gb at the last count. That’s a lot of emails! However, be that as it may, some people still prefer to have email on their computer only, and not on...
by Peter Connolly | Oct 13, 2011 | featured, technology
As we complete transferring clients to our new servers, the last stage is always the setting up of email; this post shows how to set up email for Google Apps. Note that menu options are show as a chain; so Tools->Options->Advanced would mean find the menu...